Why do they keep tennis balls in the fridge? It’s not like they need to be cold to bounce. In fact, if you keep them in the fridge too long, they get all hard and won’t bounce at all.
So why do people put them in there? Is it some kind of weird tradition that started back in the days when refrigerators were new and everyone was trying to figure out what to do with them? Or is there some other reason that we’re not aware of?

Some people say that it has something to do with keeping the balls from getting too hot during the summer months. But if that were really the case, then why don’t they just store them in the garage or something?
All these questions are fun to ponder, but why really people keep tennis balls in the fridge?
Benefits of Keeping Tennis Balls in the Fridge
Before you know why do they keep tennis balls in the fridge, you need to understand the pressure of tennis balls. The pressure of a tennis ball is one of the most important factors in how it performs. The pressure can be measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and is usually between 12 and 18 psi (may vary on the ball). When the ball is hit, the pressure causes it to compress, which in turn creates more bounce.
As the ball compresses, the air inside is forced out. This is what makes it bounce back up after being hit. The higher the pressure, the more compression will take place, and the more bounce the ball will have.
It’s important to note that as the temperature decreases, so does the pressure of a tennis ball. This is why you’ll often see people storing tennis balls in their refrigerators – it’s so that they can be used during cold weather.
This is why people like to store them in refrigerators – it allows them to keep the pressure high, which equals more bounce in the colder seasons.
Does It Really Work?
Many players swear that freezing a tennis ball is a surefire way to make it travel faster. However, there has been no scientific evidence to back this up as fact yet. In terms of science, freezing a tennis ball will have no positive or negative effect on the bounce of the ball. That is because when you take off the ball from the fridge, its temperature will be back to normal within a while.
A person would be better off purchasing new balls instead of trying to freeze old ones. Also, keep in mind that frozen balls lose their pressure much faster than refrigerated balls do, so you won’t get as many hours of playtime from them.
But the main reason to avoid freezing your tennis balls is that it can damage them. Most tennis balls are made with some type of rubber since it’s better at gripping the ball and giving it a spin. When you freeze a rubber ball or any material for that matter, you get something called “ice formation”.
This means that when the ball is exposed to extreme cold, the molecules in the rubber start to shift and move closer together. This causes ice crystals to form inside the ball, which damages it over time. True story!
Right Temperature to Refrigerate Tennis Balls
The ideal temperature for refrigerating tennis balls is between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help maintain the pressure of the ball, making it springier and easier to use. You should also try and keep your fridge at this temperature or lower when storing your cans of tennis balls.
This way, you’ll avoid damaging them with ice formation. Remember, continuously freezing and thawing a ball will damage it.
Also, be sure your fridge is set at the right temperature before placing any balls in there.
If you keep your tennis balls inside on the top shelf instead of the bottom one, they could freeze overnight if you forget to change the temperature settings. This will cause ice crystals to form inside the balls, which will damage them over time.
When to Refrigerate Tennis Balls
Tennis is typically played during cold weather or at night when it’s cold outside. If you find yourself playing during these conditions often, consider keeping your tennis balls in the fridge. This way, they’ll be ready to use as soon as you step foot on the court.
Remember, if it’s very cold outside, your balls could lose pressure quite fast. So be sure to keep them refrigerated for an hour or two before playing. The last thing you want is a deflated ball mid-game!
How to Refrigerate Tennis Balls
If your tennis balls are still in their can, make sure you remove the label first. Also, be sure to clean each ball with a damp cloth before storing them. Any type of dirt or debris on the surface could cause damage to the balls over time.
Once your cans are clean and free from labels, try placing them inside a cooler or box. This will keep your balls at the right temperature while you’re out on the court, plus it’ll help them retain their pressure longer!
Freezing your tennis balls will have no positive or negative effect on their bounce. You should also avoid doing it because it can damage the ball over time. However, if you still want to do it, the best way to refrigerate your tennis balls is at around 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help them maintain their pressure and keep them springy for longer periods of time. If you know you’ll be playing during cold temperatures, keep your cans in the fridge for an hour or two before use.