How to Dry Tennis Courts

Written By Khaled

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Drying tennis courts is a process that is often overlooked, but it is an important part of maintaining a quality playing surface. If not done properly, water can remain on the surface and create slippery conditions, or it can seep into the sub-surface and cause damage. In this article, we will discuss the best way to dry tennis courts, and also provide some helpful tips.

Why It is Important to Dry Tennis Courts?

The main reason to dry the tennis court is to return the playing surface to its optimal playing conditions. Properly drying a tennis court after rain or other wet weather will ensure that players are not slipping and sliding during play, nor are they running into puddles which could lead to damages to their clothing or shoes. If you fail to properly dry your tennis court, you may find that it is virtually unplayable and needs to be completely resurfaced.

Rain and dew can easily affect the effectiveness of the court. If you want to make sure that your tennis players are playing on a dry tennis court, it is important to know how to dry a tennis court properly so that they are not slipping around.

Can You Play Tennis in a Wet Court?

Many people might think that playing tennis on a wet court is no big deal, but it can actually be very dangerous. Wet courts are extremely slippery and players can easily lose their footing. In addition, puddles on the court can cause players to trip and fall. If you insist on playing in a wet court, make sure that you use a ball that won’t bounce too much and keep your eye out for puddles.

How to Dry Tennis Courts: The Best Method

There are a few different ways that you can go about drying a tennis court. The best way to do it is by using a combination of methods. Here is the best way to dry a tennis court:

Step 1: Remove all water from the surface of the court using a squeegee or a blower.

Step 2: Apply a drying agent, such as powdered gypsum, to the surface of the court.

Step 3: Sweep the drying agent into the pores of the court using a broom.

Step 4: Use a leaf blower to force the drying agent deep into the pores of the court.

Step 5: Allow the drying agent to dry completely.

Other Ways to Dry Tennis Courts

While it is best to follow the steps above, there are other ways you can dry your tennis court if you are in a hurry. These methods are less effective than the one mentioned, but they may be all that you have time for. Here are some helpful tips if you need to quickly dry your court:

  • Place fans at both ends of the court and turn them on full blast.
  • Sprinkle baby powder or talcum powder onto the surface of the court.
  • Drag a hose over the surface of the court.

Tips to Dry Tennis Courts

Here are a few helpful tips for drying tennis courts:

  1. Be sure to use a high-powered blower in order to remove as much water as possible.
  2. Use a squeegee to push the remaining water off of the court.
  3. Use a broom or rake to help push the water towards the edges of the court.
  4. Use a towel or rag to mop up any remaining water once you have squeegeed it off of the court.
  5. Be sure that you use a high setting on your blower so that you can remove as much water as possible.
  6. If you want to keep the playing surface in great condition, it is important to properly dry the court after rain.
  7. If you continue to use the same method when drying your tennis court, you will need fewer towels or rags. It can also help to avoid this by purchasing a leaf blower that has its own vacuum function. This way you won’t have to use towels or rags.
  8. A large and top quality industrial blower is the best choice for drying any larger surface area, such as tennis courts.
  9. You will save time by using a combination of methods instead of one single method of drying your court. For example, you can first use the blower on the high setting to remove as much surface water as possible, and then use the squeegee to remove the remaining water.
  10. Always make sure that you have a large enough blower to cover the entire surface of the court. If you do not have a blower that is powerful enough, you will need to use multiple blowers in order to get the job done.


Knowing how to dry a tennis court is important for keeping the playing surface in great condition. By using a combination of methods, you can quickly and effectively dry your court. We hope the above information will help you to dry your tennis court quickly.